You are here: 4Campaigns & Battles4Index4The 2nd World War4Scuttling the Navy4Varmebåd 2 & 3 |
Scuttling the Navy August 29, 1943:Varmebåd 2 & 3By Søren Nørby, arts student & Johnny E. Balsved The former torpedo boats of the SPRINGEREN Class; STØREN (1916-1940) and SØHUNDEN (1917-1940) had both been decommissioned in 1940. In 1941 the SØHUNDEN was recommissioned as a floating steam unit, named Varmebåd 3 (Vb 3). The same happened to STØREN in 1942, given the name Varmebåd 2 (Vb 2). Varmebåd 3 was scuttled August 29, 1943 in Takkeloftsgraven, while Varmebåd 2 was found sunk at the Torpedobådsbroerne just 200 meters away. Both ships were salvaged during the summer of 1945; however, they were in such a poor condition that any repair was abandoned. The ships where sold in 1946.
Varmebåd 3 scuttled in Søminegraven at Holmen, Copenhagen
...and seen a little closer
Varmebåd 2 scuttled at the Torpedobådsbroer on Holmen
...the boat seen from another angel
Varmebåd 2 and Varmebåd 3 (on
the outside) at Holmen after salvaging
(All pictures from: UFS (Søværnets
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