You are here: 4Campaigns & Battles4Index4The 2nd World War4Scuttling the Navy4Patrol Vessel HVIDBJØRNEN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scuttling the Navy August 29, 1943:Patrol Vessel HVIDBJØRNENBy Søren Nørby, arts student The patrol vessel HVIDBJØRNEN was serving as a training ship in August, 1943, and was scuttled by its crew in the Great Belt in the afternoon of August 29th. HVIDBJØRNEN was raised on November 23rd. The ship was repaired and served in the German navy as gunboat and guard ship. It was found in 1945 near Rostock-Warnemünde, but since the ship was heavily damaged, the Danish navy did not want to recover it. HVIDBJØRNEN was subsequently refitted and later served in the East German Volksmarine under the name of ERNST THÄLMANN.
The Patrol Vessel HVIDBJØRNEN
Picture showing the sinking of the
The Patrol Vessel HVIDBJØRNEN
id here seen as a training vessel in the East German Volksmarine, under
the name of ERNST THÄLMANN. 44Get more details of the Offshore Patrol Vessel HVIDBJØRNEN
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This page was last updated: February 19, 2003 This page was first published: October 20, 2002 |
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