You are here: 4The Ships4Fleet Listings - by time period41807 |
ARVEPRINS FREDERICH (1788) - 74 Guns CHRISTIAN DEN VII (1805) - 96 Guns DANNEMARK (1799) - 74 Guns DITMARSKEN (1780) - 64 Guns 1) FYEN (1788) - 74 Guns JUSTITIA (1780) - 74 Guns KRONPRINS FREDERICH (1786) - 74 Guns KRONPRINSESSE MARIA (1793) - 74 Guns MARS (1789) - 64 Guns 2) NEPTUNUS (1791) - 84 Guns 3) NORGE (1801) - 74 Guns ODIN (1791) - 74 Guns PRINDSESSE CAROLINE (1805) - 74 Guns PRINDSESSE SOPHIE FREDERIKKE (1775) - 74 Guns SEJEREN (1800) - 64 Guns SKJOLD (1796) - 74 Guns TRE KRONER (1794) - 74 Guns WALDEMAR (1798) - 84 Guns 1) Destroyed by the British at Holmen. 2) Burned by the British at Holmen. 3) Went aground at Taarbæk Reef, and was bog burned by the British. - Frigates: ELVEN (1800) - 18 Guns FRIDERICHSSTEEN (1800) 36 Guns FRIDERICHSVÆRN (1783) - 36 Guns FREYA (1793) - 40 Guns FYLLA (1802) - 20 Guns GLÜCKSTADT (1804) - 18 Guns HAVFRUEN (1789) - 30 Guns IRIS (1795) - 40 Guns PERLEN (1804) - 44 Guns LILLE BELT (1801) - 20 Guns NAJADEN (1796) - 36 Guns NYMPHEN (1807) - 36 Guns PERLEN (1804) - 46 Guns ROTA (1801) - 40 Guns ST. THOMAS (1779) - 36 Guns 2) TRITON (1791) - 28 Guns 2) VENUS (1805) - 36 Guns 2) Burned by the British at Holmen - Brigs: - ALLART (1807) - 18 Guns DELPHINEN (1805) - 18 Guns DEN FLYVENDE FISK (1787) - 14 Guns GLOMMEN (1792) - 18 Guns MERCURIUS (1806) - 18 Guns NID-ELVEN (1792) - 18 Guns SARPEN (1792) - 18 Guns - Other Ships/Vessels: (There appears to be som uncertainty to the number of smaller ships/vessels seized by the British. ) - AALBORG, Gunboat (1786) AHRENDAHL, Gunboat (1786) ASSENS, Gun Shallop (1807) Bombarderbarkasse, bomb hooker (1804) A) Bombarderbarkasse Nr. 2, bomb hooker (?) A) Bombarderbarkasse Nr. 3, bomb hooker (?) A) CHRISTIANSUND, Gunboat (1787) FLENSBORG, Gunboat (1787) FRIDERICHSSUND, Gun Shallop (1807) HAIEN, Barge (1802) B) HELSINGØER, Gunboat (1805-1807) KALLUNDBORG, Gun Shallop (1807) Kanonjolle Nr. 1, Gunboat (1805) A) Kanonjolle Nr. 5, Gunboat (1805) A) KIEMPEN, Barge (1804) C) MIDDELFART, Gunboat (1807) NAKSKOV, Gunboat (1787) ODENSE, Gunboat (1786) ROESKILDE, Gunboat (1805) RØDBYE, Gun Shallop (1807) SALTHOLMEN, Gun Shallop (1806) STAVÆRN, Gunboat (1792) STEGE, Gunboat (1787) VIBORG, Gunboat (1786) VILDANDEN, Royal Yacht (1789) ØRNEN, Schooner (1800) A) No firm information available. B) Scuttled by the British. C) Scuttled 1807, but later salvaged, decomissoned 1827.
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This page was last updated: May 30, 2008 This page was first published: November 20, 2006 |
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