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Edited and
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Johnny E. Balsved


Fleet Listings:

Navy ships after 1989

Alphabetical index of ships serving in the Royal Danish Navy after 1989; the period after the end of the Cold War.

Training Vessel ERTHOLM

The second standard vessel of the MK I type, the training vessel ERTHOLM seen here at sea in the summer of 2007.
(Photo: Thomas Iversen, Odense)

The Ships are in Alphabetical Order by Name.

A/Å | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N

O | P | R | S | T | U | V/W | Y | Æ

(The dates mentioned indicates the time, the ships are commissioned in the Navy, not necessarily the lifetime of the ships.
If no last year is mentioned, and you find a small
after the name,
it indicates that the ship is still in active service.)


ABSALON, command & support ship (2004- )

AGDLEK, arctic patrol cutter (1974-2008)

AGPA, arctic patrol cutter (1974-2009)

ALDEBARAN, Home Guard Cutter (1992- )

ALHOLM, training vessel (2007- )

ALSIN, Support Vessel (2002- )

ALSSUND, minesweeper (1955-1989) - ex. USS AMS 128

ANDROMEDA, Home Guard Cutter (1993- )

ANTARES, Home Guard Cutter (1995- )

APOLLO, Home Guard Cutter (1996- )

ARIES, Home Guard Cutter (1993- )

ARK FORWARDER, roll-on/roll-off ship (2007- )

ARVAK, Support Vessel (2002- )

ASKØ, coastal patrol craft (2006- )

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BALDER, harbor tug (1983- )

BARSØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969-2008)

BAUNEN, Home Guard Cutter (1997- )

BESKYTTEREN, offshore patrol frigate (1976-2000)

BILLE, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1977-2000)

BIRKHOLM, surveying vessel (2006- )

BOPA, Home Guard Cutter (1973-2009)

BOPA, coastal patrol craft (2009- )

BREDAL, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1977-2000)

BRIGADEN, coastal patrol craft (2008- )

BRIGADEN, Home Guard Cutter (1974-2008)

BUDSTIKKEN, Home Guard Cutter (1998- )


CARINA, Home Guard Cutter (1992- )

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DAGMAR, Search and Rescue Vessel (2007- ) , see SAR1

DANBJØRN, icebreaker (1996- )

DANNEBROG, royal yacht (1932- )

DAPHNE, seaward defense craft (1961-1990)

DIANA, patrol vessel (2007- )

DREJØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969-2008)

DRYADEN, seaward defense craft (1962-1991)

DUBHE, Home Guard Cutter (1994- )


EJNAR MIKKELSEN, Offshore Patrol Vessel (2009- )

ELBJØRN, icebreaker (1996-2003)

ENØ, Home Guard Cutter (2003- )

ERTHOLM, training vessel (2006- )

ESBERN SNARE, command & support ship (2005- )

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FALSTER, minelayer (1963-2000)

FARØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1973-2008)

FAST ARROW, roll-on/roll-off ship (2007-2007)

FLYVEFISKEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1989-2008)

FREJA, patrol vessel (2008- )

FYEN, minelayer (1963-2003)

FYLLA, offshore patrol frigate (1963-1991)

FYRHOLM, surveying vessel (2006- )

FÆNØ, Home Guard Cutter (2007- )

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GEMINI, Home Guard Cutter (1994- )

GLENTEN, Guided Missile Vessel/SF-300 (1993- )

GRIBBEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1993- )

GRØNSUND, minesweeper (1956-1998) - ex. USS MSC 256

GULDBORGSUND, minesweeper (1956-1993) - ex. USS MSC 257

GUNNAR SEIDENFADEN, environment protection (1996- )

GUNNAR THORSON, environment protection (1996- )

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HAJEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1990-2009)

HAMMER, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

HAVFRUEN, seaward defense craft (1962-1991)

HAVFRUEN, patrol vessel (2008- )

HAVKATTEN, Mine Vessel/SF-300 (1990- )

HERCULES, Home Guard Cutter (1997- )

HERLUF TROLLE, frigate (1967-1990)

HERMOD, harbor tug (1983- )

HIRSHOLM, mine clearance drone (2007- )

HJORTØ, Home Guard Cutter (2005- )

HOLGER DANSKE, Home Guard Cutter (1975- )

HUGIN, torpedo recovery vessel (1976-2006)

HUITFELDT, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

HVIDBJØRNEN, offshore patrol frigate (1962-1992)

HVIDBJØRNEN, offshore patrol frigate (1992- )

HVIDSTEN, Home Guard Cutter (1975-2008)

HVIDSTEN, Home Guard Cutter (2008- )

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INGOLF, offshore patrol frigate (1963-1991)

ISBJØRN, icebreaker (1996- )

IVER HUITFELDT, frigate (2012- )


JUPITER, Home Guard Cutter (1994- )


KNUD RASMUSSEN, Offshore Patrol Vessel (2008- )

KRIEGER, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

KRONBORG, submarine (2001-2004) - ex. KM NÄCKEN

KUGSAG, Support Vessel (2003- )

KUREREN, Home Guard Cutter (1999- )

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LAPPEDYKKEREN, training ship (1959-2008)

LAXEN, Mine Vessel/SF-300 (1991- )

LCP1, landing craft (2003- )

LCP2, landing craft (2003- )

LCP3, landing craft (2004- )

LCP4, landing craft (2004- )

LINDORMEN, minelayer (1978-2004)

LOMMEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1994-2010)

LOSSEN, minelayer (1978-2004)

LUNA, Home Guard Cutter (1996- )

LUNDEN - see P 13, cutter (1941- )

LYRA, Home Guard Cutter (1995- )

LYØ, Home Guard Cutter (2005- )

LÆSØ, Diving Tender (1973-2009

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MAAGEN, cutter (1960-1991)

MAKRELEN, Mine Vessel/SF-300 (1991- )

MALLEMUKKEN, cutter (1960-1991)

MANØ, Home Guard Cutter (2004- )

MARIE MILJØ, environment protection (1996- )

METTE MILJØ, environment protection (1996- )

MIDDELGRUNDEN, transport vessel (1890-1949)

MILJØ 101, environment protection (1996- )

MILJØ 102, environment protection (1996- )

MILJØ 103, environment protection (2008- )

MIMER, torpedo recovery vessel (1978-2006)

MRD 1, Mine Clearance Drone (1991-2008)

MRD 2, Mine Clearance Drone (1991-2008)

MRD 3, Mine Clearance Drone (1995- )

MRD 4, Mine Clearance Drone (1995- )

MRD 5, Mine Clearance Drone (1996-2008)

MRD 6, Mine Clearance Drone (1996-2008)

MRF 1 - see MRD 1, mine clearance module

MRF 2 - see MRD 2, mine clearance module

MSF 1, minesweeper drone (1998- )

MSF 2, minesweeper drone (1998- )

MSF 3, minesweeper drone (1999- )

MSF 4, minesweeper drone (1999- )

MUNIN, torpedo recovery vessel (1976-2006)

MØEN, minelayer (1964-2004)

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NAJADEN, seaward defense craft (1963-1991)

NAJADEN, patrol vessel (2008- )

NARHVALEN, submarine (1970-2003)

NEPTUN, seaward defense craft (1963-1989)

NIELS JUEL, corvette (1980- )

NIELS JUEL, frigate (2013- )

NORBY, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

NORDKAPEREN, submarine (1970-2004)

NYMFEN, seaward defense craft (1963-1991)

NYMFEN, patrol vessel (2009- )


O Class, Surveying Vessel (1998- )

OLFERT FISCHER, corvette (1981- )

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P 13, cutter (1941- ) - ex. SOFUS NIPPER
 - from 1951: Y 343
 - from 1974: LUNDEN

PARTISAN, Home Guard Cutter (2000- )

PATRIOTEN, Home Guard Cutter (2000- )

PEDER SKRAM, frigate (1966-1990)

PETER TORDENSKIOLD, corvette (1982- )

PETER WILLEMOES, frigate (2012- )


RAN, seaward defense craft (1964-1991)

RAVNEN, Guided Missile Vessel/SF-300 (1994- )

RIMFAXE, oil tanker (1962-2000) - ex USS YO 226

RINGEN, Home Guard Cutter (1975-2009)

RINGEN, home guard cutter (2009- )

RODSTEEN, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

ROMSØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969-2007)

ROTA, seaward defense craft (1965-1989)

ROTA, patrol vessel (2009- )

RØMØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1973-2009)

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SABOTØREN, Home Guard Cutter (2001- )

SALTHOLM, mine clearance drone (2008- )

SAMSØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969- )

SAR1, Search and Rescue Vessel (2007- )

SAR2, Search and Rescue Vessel (2007- )

SEHESTED, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

SKA 11, surveying vessel (1981-2006)

SKA 12, surveying vessel (1981- )

SKA 13, surveying vessel (1982- )

SKA 14, surveying vessel (1982- )

SKA 15, surveying vessel (1984-2007)

SKA 16, surveying vessel (1985- )

SKADEN, Guided Missile Vessel/SF-300 (1995- )

SKINFAXE, oil tanker (1962-2000) - ex. USS YO 229

SJÆLLAND, minelayer (1964-2000)

SLEIPNER, transport vessel (1986- )

SNEKKEN, support vessel (2007- )

SPEDITØREN, Home Guard Cutter (1974-2008)

SPEDITØREN, Coastal Patrol Craft (2009- )

SPRINGEREN, submarine (1964-1990)

SPRINGEREN, submarine (1991-2004) - ex. KNM KYA

SPÆKHUGGEREN, submarine (1961-1989)

STOREBÆLT, patrol boat (1995-1999)

STØREN, Mine Vessel/SF-300 (1992- )

SUENSON, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

SVANEN, Sail Training Ship (1960- )

SVÆRDFISKEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1993-2006)

SÆLEN, submarine (1990-2004) - ex. KNM UTHAUG

SØBJØRNEN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1966-1990)

SØHESTEN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1966-1990)

SØHUNDEN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1966-1990)

SØLØVEN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1965-1990)

SØLØVEN, Patrol Vessel/SF-300 (1996- )

SØRIDDEREN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1965-1990)

SØULVEN, fast patrol boats/torpedo boat (1967-1990)

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THETIS, offshore patrol frigate (1991- )

THORBJØRN, icebreaker (1996- )

THURØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969- )

THYRA, Sail Training Ship (1961- )

TOR ANGLIA, roll-on/roll-off ship (2003-2009)

TOR DANIA, roll-on/roll-off ship (2007- )

TOR FUTURA, roll-on/roll-off ship (2004- )

TRITON, offshore patrol frigate (1991- )

TULUGAQ, arctic patrol cutter (1979- )

TUMLEREN, submarine (1989-2004) - ex. KNM UTVAER

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ULVSUND, minesweeper (1956-1989) - ex. USS MSC 263


VEJRØ, Naval Patrol Cutter (1969-2006)

VIBEN, Guided Missile Vessel/SF-300 (1996- )

WILLEMOES, guided missile boat/torpedo boat (1978-2000)

VILSUND, minesweeper (1956-1995) - ex. USS MSC 264

VTS 3, guard ship (1978- )

VTS 4, guard ship (1978- )

VÆDDEREN, offshore patrol frigate (1963-1992)

VÆDDEREN, offshore patrol frigate (1992- )


Y 343 - see P 13, cutter (1941- )

Y 375, guard vessel (1974-1995)

Y 376, guard vessel (1974- )


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This page was last updated: February 10, 2010

This page was first published: January 1, 2008

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