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The Sovereign Flag
The Flag flying at Elsinore Castle in Northern Zealand was originally the national symbol of sovereignty, and foreign ships passing had to salute this flag. In 1784 a bastion was established at the Citadel Frederikshavn in Copenhagen. This became the flag that foreign ships would have to salute, when entering Copenhagen, in order to show their respect to the sovereignty of the Danish King.
It is the the Kingdom of Denmark's Sovereign Flag. Navy personnel are just responsible for the raising and lowering of the flag. From Sunrise to Sunset Normal rules for flying the flag in Denmark state that the flag is raised at sunrise, however not before 8 o'clock in the morning, and it is lowered at sunset. The Sovereign Flag is always flying from sunrise to sunset. The flag is only on half mast on Good Friday and by special orders from the Admiral Danish Fleet. By direct order from King Christian Xth the Sovereign Flag was lowered to half mast in February 1941, when the Danish Government was forced to hand over 6 torpedo boats to the German Occupation Forces.
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