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Second Mk II received:

Danish military accept delivery of the second DIANA-class vessel

On Friday, April 4, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization accepted delivery of the next Mark II type vessel, the patrol vessel P521.

The second DIANA-class vessel, P521, departs from Faaborg on April 9

The second DIANA-class vessel, P521, departs from Faaborg on April 9.
(Photo: Faaborg Værft A/S)

By Johnny E. Balsved

On Friday, April 4, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization accepted delivery of the patrol vessel P 521, the second of a total of six new patrol vessels, which in December has been designated the DIANA-class.

The shipyard, Faaborg Værft, is continuing with the large task of completing the remaining four vessels, with ongoing deliveries scheduled up to early 2009.

Some days after delivery the vessel was transferred to Korsør (Naval Station) where the final fitting-out, including installation of military and electronic equipment, is to take place.

Naming ceremony in May

There is the customary speculation about the vessel's name; however this will not be announced until the end of May, when the vessel is expected to be officially commissioned into the Danish Navy.

However, on the basis that the class has been designated the DIANA-class, indications are that this vessel too will inherit a name that's been used before in the Danish Navy.

According to Admiral Danish Fleet Headquarters (SOK), the naming ceremony will take place on Friday, May 30, after which the second vessel will become operational.

The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization, who currently "own" the vessel, reported to navalhistory.dk that the naming ceremony will take place at the naval base in Korsør.

Translated by Alan Russel (May 4, 2008)

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Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization


Søværnets operative Kommando, Admiral Danish Fleet, Aarhus.

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This page was first published: April 14, 2008 (May 4, 2008)

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