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Johnny E. Balsved


Maritime Links
- Navies of the World

Below you will find a number of useful links to other sites of Naval/Maritime interest. You can choose a topic in the menu to the right.

- The flags just to the right of a link indicates the accessible languages.

 Navies of the World (0fficial Web Sites):


Argentina - Armada Argentina



Australia - The Royal Australian Navy



Belgium - The Royal Belgium Navy



Brazil - Marina do Brazil



Canada - National Defence - Navy



Chile - Armada de Chile



Denmark - Søværnet



Estonia - Eesti Kaitsevägi



Finland - The Finnish Defense



France - Marine National



Germany - Deutsche Marine



Greece - The Hellenic Navy






India - Indian Navy



Ireland - Óglaigh na hÉireann



Israel - Israel Defense Force



Italy - Marina Militare Italiana



Japan - Japan Defense Agency



Latvia - Latvijas Júras Spéki






NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization



Nederlands - Koninklijke Marine



New Zealand - The Royal New Zealand Navy



Norway - Den Kongelige Norske Marine



Peru - Marina de Guerra del Perú



Philippines - Philippine Navy



Poland - Marynarka Wojenna Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej



Portugal - Defesa Marinha



Russia - The Russian Navy



Singapore - The Republic of Singapore Navy



South Africa - The South African Navy



Spain - Armada Española



Sweden - den Kongelige svenske marine



Thailand - Royal Thai Navy



Turkey - Turkish Armed Forces



United Kingdom - The Royal Navy



United States of America - U.S. Navy



Venezuela - Armada República


|To the Top

Choose Topic:

|Naval History (28)|Maritime & Naval Museums (21)|Historical Ships (25)|

|Archives, Libraries and Research etc. (8)|Danish Military Authorities (17)|

|Navies of the World (38)|Maritime Underwater Archaeology (3)|

|Other Maritime Links (11)|Maritime Link Collections (7)|

If you find a broken or missing link, or you would you like me
to add a link to your website, please E-mail the Webmaster

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This page was last updated: January 10, 2006

This page was first published: August 18, 2001

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