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Danish version:


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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Maritime Links

What is a Web Site without external links to other interesting sites!

All the external links are placed on separate pages based on the topic.

This should make it easier to locate a specific link, and will assure fast loading of the site.

New Links

Are you the Web Master of a Maritime or Naval site or do you know of a site of special interest, then I will be most happy to enclose a link to this site.

Please send me an e-mail with the URL and the name of the site, and I will review the proposal soonest.

Flåderadio Holmen

The old Navy Radio Station at
Naval Base Copenhagen

Links suggested on this website do not constitute, in any way, an endorsement of any products or services that may be advertised within any site linked to from this page.

Worldwide Internet users shall use the links to other sites from this site entire at their own risk, and the Webmaster of this site shall not be responsible or be under any liability arising from such links.

Although I try to keep these external links up to date I cannot guarantee that these links will work at all time, and I have no control over the availability of linked pages.

If you find a broken or missing link, please e-mail me.

Linking to my Site

You do not need permission to link directly to my Web Site. Any link will be most welcomed.

You may use the following information:

  • http://www.navalhistory.dk

  • Title: Danish Naval History

  • Description: - This private web-site covers main parts of the Royal Danish Navy's History, primarily from 1801 to the present day, including the ships and the officers, History of the Flag and a Naval Web Forum.

If you want to make a link directly to the US/English part of this Web Site, you can use the following link in stead:

  • http://www.navalhistory.dk/indexUS.htm

Depending on the design of your Web Site, you are most welcome to use a banner link. You will find my banner a little later down on this page.

You may also copy the banner below to enhance the link:

Choose Topic:

|Naval History (28)|Maritime & Naval Museums (21)|Historical Ships (25)|

|Archives, Libraries and Research etc. (8)|Danish Military Authorities (17)|

|Navies of the World (38)|Maritime Underwater Archaeology (3)|

|Other Maritime Links (11)|Maritime Link Collections (7)|

If you find a broken or missing link, or you would you like me
to add a link to your website, please E-mail the Webmaster

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This page was last updated: January 10, 2006

This page was first published: August 18, 2001

Copyright © 2013-2016 Johnny E. Balsved - All rights reserved - Privacy Policy