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Danish version:
Sea Sparrow SAM
(1979- )

A Sea Sparrow missile is here shown immidiately
vertical launch from the guided missile vessel
(Photo: Royal Danish Navy)
General Specification: |
Danish Apellation: |
Sea Sparrow SAM |
Type of Origin: |
Sea Sparrow RIM-7P++ |
Type: |
SAM - Surface-to-Air Missil |
Primary Usage: |
Surface-to-Air Missil |
Engine: |
Alliant TechSystems (Hercules) Mk-58
solid-propellant rocket motor |
Thrust: |
n/a [1] |
Length: |
3.64 m |
Diameter: |
20.3 cm |
Span: |
1.0 m |
Weight: |
225 kg |
Maximum Range: |
Est. 14 - 16,000 m (ESSM 18,000 m)
(max. ceiling not available) [1] |
Speed: |
Est. Mach 2,5
[1] |
Homing: |
Raytheon semi-active on continuous wave
or pulsed Doppler radar energy. |
Warhead: |
Annular blast fragmentation warhead - 40.5
kg |
Launcher: |
Mk 29 Launcher (8 missiles)
From ca. 1999:
Mk 48 VLS Launcher (6 missiler) |
Unit price: |
Est. 165,400 US $ pr. missil |
Manufacturer: |
Raytheon Co., General Dynamics and Hughes
Missile Systems, USA |
Country of Origin: |
USA 1979 |
Notes: |
[1] |
No exact unclassified information
available |
[2] |
The command and support ships of the
ABSALON Class are normally eqipped with 1-2 Mk 48 VLS Launcher,
depending on task, they have also been spotted carrying 3 launchers. |
[3] |
All units of the
FLYVEFISKEN Class can be fitted with 1-2 Mk 48 VLS Launchers,
after the launcher now has been containerized into the Standardflex-system.
Normally only one is on board. |
[4] |
NIELS JUEL Class corvettes were originally fitted with 1 ea Mk 29 Launcher (8 missiles).
During a
1999-2000 overhaul those were replaced by 2 ea Mk 48 VLS Launcher (2x6 missiles). |
[5] |
The frigates of the
PEDER SKRAM Class were only fitted with the Mk 29 Launcher. |
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on this weapon or weapon system?
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