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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Rechnitzer, H.

Personal Information

Full Name:

Hjalmar Rechnitzer

Date of Birth:

December 1, 1872

Vice Admiral Hjalmar Rechnitzer

Place of Birth:



Son of consul Peter Petersen Rechnitzer and wife Hanne Louise Marie, born Møller


Married December 20, 1902 in Vor Frue Kirke, Copenhagen, to Emily Adolph






Naval Cadet

August 24, 1896

Sub Lieutenant

October 21, 1901


October 1, 1911


October 22, 1922


April 1, 1925

Rear Admiral

April 1, 1932

Vice Admiral


Orders, Decorations & Distinctions


Orders, Decorations & Distinction:

September 15, 1910

Officer of the Order of the Dannebroge

April 2, 1919

Silver Cross of the Order of the Dannebroge

August 23, 1922

Commander of the Order of the Dannebroge

September 6, 1927

Knight Commander of the Order of the Dannebroge

May 24, 1935

Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Dannebroge


Military Service




On the cruiser HEIMDAL to the Mediteranian


1st officer on the schooner DIANA, surveying off Iceland


Adjutant to the Squadron Commander


Commanding officer in submarines


Also commander of the Submarine Division


Commander of the Submarine Flotilla


Also commander of the Naval Air Service, and serving in the Ministry of Naval Affairs

December 12, 1917

Chief of the secretariat and command office in the Ministry of Naval Affairs and acting head of the 1st Departement

September 14, 1919

On special leave from the Naval officers sorps and appointed under Royal warrant as acting undersecretary of the Ministry of Naval Affairs

September 12, 1923

Director for the Ministry of Naval Affairs

April 1, 1932

Chief of the Naval Command in connection with the job as Director for the Ministry of Naval Affairs

May 10, 1940

Honor full discharge on application


Other Achievements



February 27, 1918
-September 12, 1923

Meber of the commission for preparing a new Military Penal Code and the Military Administration of JusticeMedlem

March 8, 1919

Legal adviser to the Defense Commission of 1919

November 26, 1931

Military delegate to the Disarmament Conference in Genève

August 5, 1932

Meber of the commission for a possible joining of the Army's and Navy's technical sevices an a possible move of these services


Additional Comments

Following the events that occured during the German occupation of Denmark on April 9, 1940, 4 senior ranking naval officers informed Rechnitzer, that the naval officers corps did no longer had confidence in him, and advised him to resign. Rechnitzer followed this advise and resigned.





June 21, 1953

Died in Copenhagen, funeral service performed at the Bispebjerg Crematory, urn removed to the Aalborg cemetary.

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Danske Søofficerer 1933-1982, edited by S. E. Pontoppidan and J. Teisen, published by Søe-Lieutenant-Selskabet, Copenhagen, 1984


Det Danske Søofficerskorps 1801-1919, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen, Gyldendals Boghandel and Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1919


Officerer i den Dansk-Norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den Danske Søetat 1814-1932, Bind I og II, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard, H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1935

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