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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Jessen, C. W.

Personal Information

Full Name:

Carl Wilhelm Jessen

Date of Birth:

July 10, 1764

Admiral C. W. Jessen

Place of Birth:

Fredensborg, Northern Zealand


Son of Nicolaj Jacob Jessen and wife Marie Christine Jessen, born Jacobi


Married to Anna Margrethe Jessen, born Erichsen






Naval Cadet

September 18, 1782

Sub lieutenant

March 6, 1789


December 23, 1796

Lieutenant Commander

December 16, 1803


December 29, 1810

Commander senior grade

July 31, 1815


June 9, 1822

Rear Admiral (brevet)


Orders, Decorations & Distinctions


Orders, Decorations & Distinction:


HM the King's Sword of Honor, with the inscription: "For udvist mod den 3. marts 1801" (which states; "For outstanding courage on March 3, 1801"

January 28, 1809

Officer of the Order of the Dannebroge

January 28, 1812

Silver Cross of the Order of the Dannebroge


Military Service


Military Service:


Service on the frigate MOEN to the Danish West Indies (DWI)

August 7, 1788

Enlistment Officer in Elsinore, Northern Zealand

November 13, 1789

Drilling Officer at the Naval Cadet's Academy


Commander of the Royal boat MAKRELEN


Service on the frigate FREDERIKSVAERN (Training ship for Naval Cadets)


1st Officer on the brig LOUGEN to the DWI


1st Officer i the frigate THETIS i a joined Danish-Swedish Squadron


1st Officer at the Naval Cadet's Academy


Commander of the cutter FORSVAR in the North Sea


Commanding Officer (CO) of the brig LOUGEN (Guard ship at the DWI)


CO of the frigate FREDERIKSSTEEN (Guard ship at the DWI)


CO of the schooner OERNEN


Member of the judging committee on board the training ship for the Naval Cadets, the ship-of-the-line PRINDS CHRISTIAN FREDERIK

March 22, 1808

CO of the ship-of-the-line PRINDS CHRISTIAN FREDERIK

March 1808-
June 1808

British imprisonment in Gothenburg, Sweden


CO of the barge HVALROSSEN (the Naval Floating Defense Squadron at Copenhagen

December 1809

CO of the battery TREKRONER in Copenhagen, including the attached barges, gunboats etc.


He was in addition appointed CO of the gunboat flotilla in the Sound

June 1, 1822

Commandant on Saint Thomas at the DWI

June 9, 1822

Most honor full discharge with brevet of Rear Admiral


Other Achievements




Merchant service on ships of the "Vestindisk Kompagni"

September 1, 1800

As the CO of the LOUGEN, he seizes the British Letter-of-Mark, the EAGLE.

March 3, 1801

As the CO of the LOUGEN, he is fighting a battle against a superior English force (2 frigates). He is later awarded HM the King's Sword of Honor for this episode.

44Read the complete story here

September 23, 1803

He should join the Government of the DWI on all naval matters and all matters on naval defense

March 22, 1808

As the CO of the PRINDS CHRISTIAN FREDERIK, he was attacked by a strong English force of 2 ships-of-the-line and 3 frigates, north of Zealand. After 3½ hours of  fierce heroic fighting, the Danish ship was burning, and several men killed; including on of the heroes from the Battle of Copenhagen, Peter Willemoes

44Read the complete story here

September 2, 1813

Engaged in a battle with an English squadron outside Helsingborg


Merchant service as Commander on ships of the "Vestindisk Kompagni"

April 21, 1820

Member of the board for the institution "Bombeboessen"

September 8, 1822

Governor of Saint Thomas, DWI


Additional Comments






March 30, 1823

Died on Saint Thomas, DWI, and buried there. On his burial plot, a monument was revealed on January 29, 1901.
Jessen's remains  were moved to Holmens kirke (the Naval church) in Copenhagen 1901 and buried there.

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Det Danske Søofficerskorps 1801-1919, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen, Gyldendals Boghandel and Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1919


Faedrelandsk Nekrolog, by Frederik Thaarup, Copenhagen, 1835-1844


Officerer i den Dansk-Norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den Danske Søetat 1814-1932, Bind I og II, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard, H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1935

44You are also referred to the Naval Bibliography

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