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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Hammerich, Kai

Personal Information

Full Name:

Kai Hammerich

Date of Birth:

August 16, 1894

Captain Kai Hammerich

Place of Birth:



Son of Captain Jens Worsaae Hammerich and wife Louise (Vivi) Ernestine, born von der Recke


Married in Holmens kirke May 5, 1918 to Valborg Rump






Naval Cadet

September 1, 1916

Sub Lieutenant

August 1, 1917


June 15, 1923

Lieutenant Commander

August 2, 1932


April 1, 1935

Commander (reserve)

February 1, 1940

Commander s.g. (reserve)

March 1, 1948

Captain (reserve)


Orders, Decorations & Distinctions


Orders, Decorations & Distinction:

April 2, 1937

Officer of the Order of the Dannebroge

July 5, 1940

Silver Cross of the Order of the Dannebroge

March 31, 1949

Commander of the Order of the Dannebroge


Military Service


Military Service:


1st officer in the torpedo boat HAVØRNEN in the Danish Partly Mobilized Forces


Adjutant in the 1st Squadron


Trainee in submarines


2nd Adjutant to the Secretary of Defense


On the schooner INGOLF to the Mediterranean and Madeira


Passed the Naval Academy


On the coast defense ship PEDER SKRAM

May 21 1923
- May 25, 1923

Commanding Officer of the torpedo boat SÆLEN in the Training Flotilla (see Additional Comments)


2nd Adjutant to the Secretary of Defense


CO of the surveying ship MARSTRAND on fishery inspection in Danish waters during the summer months

1927 and 1928

CO of the inspection ship DIANA on fishery inspection in Danish waters during the summer months

January 1, 1930
- June 1, 1932

On leave

February 1, 1933
- October 1, 1934

Lightship's Inspector and commander of the light inspection vessel ARGUS

March 3, 1935

Honor full discharge on application as an officer of the line

June 7, 1937
- October 6, 1937

Commander of the light inspection vessel ARGUS

August 8, 1938
- October 3, 1938

Commander of the light inspection vessel ARGUS

June 1, 1939
- August 20, 1945

CO of the Naval Transport services and chairman of the Ships Selection board


Expeditionary Commander for the Danish Expeditionary Forces on board the hospital ship JUTLANDIA to the Korean Peninsular


Other Achievements




Arts graduate qualifications in major subjects

January 1, 1928

Staff secretary of the "Kirkens Korshær"


Manager and chairman for the national board for the "Kirkens Korshær"


Member of the board for "Sømandshøjskolen" in Svendborg, Funen


Member of the board for the Danish Newspaper "Kristeligt Dagblad"


Member of the board for the "Dansk Bibelskole"


Secretary of the Secretary of Defense Committee for Lectures


Member of the board for "Dansk Sømandsmission" (from 1951 named Danish Naval Church oversea)


Member of the board for the shipping company ANHOLT


Managing Director for the Danish Red Cross


Also president of the Danish Red Cross


Deputy Chairman of the "Civilforsvarsforbundet", (Civil Defense Confederation )


Chairman of the board for "Dansk Sømandsmission" (from 1951 named Danish Naval Church oversea)


Together with his job as Expeditionary Commander for the Danish Expeditionary Forces on board the hospital ship JUTLANDIA to the Korean Peninsular, he was the representative for the Danish Government to make preparation for a Scandinavian Training Hospital in South Korea, and also supervising the humanitarian aid performed by the Danish Red Cross in South Korea


Deputy chairman of the board for "Landforeningen for Ordblindesagen i Danmark" (The National Association for Dyslexic Cause in Denmark)


Chairman of the board for "Landforeningen for Ordblindesagen i Danmark" (The National Association for Dyslexic Cause in Denmark)


Additional Comments

Was severely wounded, when a smoke screen generator exploded on board the cruiser GEJSER, on May 25, 1923. He was under medical treatment in both Denmark and England for several years thereafter.

44You can read the complete story here

& Editor of Korshærsbladet 1928-1939 and the magazine Folk og
1941-1944, and have written a number of different articles etc.,
    and has been cowrither on a number of books (1932-1954)

& Autor of Officiel beretning om Jutlandia Ekspeditionen,
Copenhagen, 1954

& Autor of Af mit livs drama, Frimodts Forlag, Copenhagen 1961

& Autor of Åge Falk Hansen, 1961

& Autor of Det angår os alle, 1962





May 5, 1963

Funeral held at Holmens kirke and later buried at Bispebjerg cemetery

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Danske Søofficerer 1933-1982, edited by S. E. Pontoppidan and J. Teisen, published by Søe-Lieutenant-Selskabet, Copenhagen, 1984


Det Danske Søofficerskorps 1801-1919, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen, Gyldendals Boghandel and Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1919


Officerer i den Dansk-Norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den Danske Søetat 1814-1932, Bind I og II, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard, H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1935


Officiel beretning om Jutlandia Ekspeditionen, by the Expedition Commander, Captain Kai Hammerich, Copenhagen, 1954


Under tre flag - Med Jutlandia til Korea, by Anders Georg, Samlerens Forlag, Copenhagen, 1951

44You are also referred to the Naval Bibliography

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