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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Flensborg, Chr. P.

Personal Information

Full Name:

Christian Peder Flensborg

Date of Birth:

June 8, 1772

Rear Admiral Chr. P. Flensborg

Place of Birth:



Son of writer Christian Flensborg and wife Charlotte Margrethe, born Leth


Married to Cathrine Marie Alexandrine d'Origny








Naval Cadet

March 4, 1791

Sub Lieutenant

December 22, 1797


March 4, 1806

Lieutenant Commander

March 17, 1811


October 28, 1817

Commander s.g.

January 25, 1834


December 25, 1835

Rear Admiral


Orders, Decorations & Distinctions


Orders, Decorations & Distinction:

January 28, 1813

Officer of the Order of the Dannebroge

November 1, 1828

Silver Cross of the Order of the Dannebroge


Military Service


Military Service:

1797 - 1798

On the frigate IRIS to the Danish West Indies (DWI)

December 20, 1798

Enrollment Officer at Stordøen in the district of Bergen


On the brig LOUGEN to DWI

1800 - 1801

Commanding Officer (CO) of the schooner IRESINE, guard ship at the DWI.

May 20, 1802

Temporary  Equipment Manager on Holmen

March 9, 1803

Inspector at the Naval Dock Yard

March 22, 1804
- May 1807

Adjutant for the Supreme Equipment Manager


CO of the Naval Station at Isefjorden, including a Floating Battery and some Gun Dinghy's


At the Dinghy Flotilla at Copenhagen

October 26, 1809

Leaving the Dinghy Flotilla for serving of one of the French Men-of-War


1st officer in the Ship-of-the-line DANTZICH


CO of the Gun Boat Division at Nysted

1812 and 1813

CO of the Gun Boat Flotilla at Nyborg

August 1813
- October 1813

In addition CO of Langelands, Laalands and Neustads Gun Boats

1814 and 1815

CO of the brig SAMSØE, guard ship in the Sound

October 22, 1815

Officer in charge of the Naval School for Boys

July 20, 1834

CO of the 1st Division and Chairman of the Committee for the Naval School for Boys


Other Achievements



April 15, 1809

Sentenced to pay 2 months pay to the Navy for having laid hand on Provisions Administrator Surland, who had shown rude insubordination

May 4, 1809

The sentence was uphold

December 30, 1812

Recommended by Rear Admiral J. C. Krieger for brilliant activity and great presence of mind


Additional Comments

His widow was granted a bonus of 300 rix-dollars (January 19, 1838)





January 16, 1838

Died in Copenhagen, buried at the Naval Cemetery (Holmens kirkegaard)

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Det Danske Søofficerskorps 1801-1919, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen, Gyldendals Boghandel and Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1919


Officerer i den Dansk-Norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den Danske Søetat 1814-1932, Bind I og II, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard, H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1935

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