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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved



Web Site Information

This section contains all information about the construction of this non profit web site.

You can meet the Web Master and other contributors, persons and organizations, who have contributed to the development of this site.

You will all find a complete bibliography, listing all sources used to produce the stories etc.; and you will find a chronological list of all the updates to this site, since the launche in June, 2001.

Private Non Profit Web Site

This is a private web site dealing primarily with the history of the combined Royal Danish and Norwegian Navy until 1814 and the Royal Danish Navy after 1814 and up to the present day.

This site is in no way related to any official or government agencies etc. it does however benefit from good relation to especially The Royal Danish Naval Museum, The Royal Danish Naval Library, Admiral Danish Fleet, The Navy Material Command, the Squadrons etc.

The site is a non profit site, and all expenses have so far been covered privately by the Webmaster. I do now try to collect financial donations in order to improve this website even further. You can read more on the financial donations on the appropriate page.

The main purpose of this site is to extend the knowledge of and the interest for Danish Naval History by making it available on the Internet.

Se more under the Visions for this Web Site section.

Amendments, corrections, praise or critique

If you got amendments, corrections, praise or critique do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster, Johnny Balsved via e-mail:


or use the Guest Book or Naval Web Forum available on this site.

You are most welcome to send me any material, photos, stories etc. via e-mail to balsved@navalhistory.dk. You could also post me any material to my home address via 1st Class mail. My address is:

Bøgevej 29
DK-4591 Føllenslev

I you do not have access to a scanner, feel free to mail me any photo, and I will return them soonest after being handled here.

Unclassified material only

All information on this web site are collected form open, unclassified sources, that in most cases are open to the public as well.

If you are still in active service within the armed forces and want to send me some material, photos etc., please make sure that the material are not classified in any way, eventually by contacting the stations security officer.

Should any defense or government authority find that material published on this site violates any secrecy act, please inform me immediately via e-mail at balsved@navalhistory.dk.

The information will be removed immediately, or eventually changed in cooperation with the proper authorities.


This web site makes a number of links to other web sites on the Internet.

However, I do not accept links to individuals, companies or organizations that do not conform to the general interest of the purpose of this website, or sites that do not conform to basic ruling of making the internet a safer place to surf.

Should you find any link from this web site that no longer fulfill the above commitment, please do not hesitate to contact me balsved@navalhistory.dk

The Web Master of this site is in no way responsible for the content of the web sites linked to from this web site.

The Web Master or any other individual or organization will in no way could be made responsible to any action taken based upon information given on this site.

Technical information

This Web Site is developed in af Microsoft FrontPage 2003, including the use of DHTML and Java Scripts.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 is used as the primary picture editor, performing scanning, optimizing etc.

Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium.

Server operating system: Microsoft Windows 2003 Advanced Server, and FrontPage Server Extensions.

Some statistics (as of February 1, 2010)

Total Number of visitors since June 13, 2001: 2,856,834

Average Number of visitors per day (January 2010): 1,151

Total number of pages: 4,600 pages *)

Number of pages (the US/English section): 1,122 pages

Number of pictures/illustrations etc.: 7,631

Number of links from foreign sites: more than 1,200

Number of internal link: 112,994

Number of external links: 4,397

Number of countries, who have visited this site: more than 150

*) printed out on paper, this is more than 16,000 pages, A4-format.

- Do you miss a major event on this Site,
or do you hold a great story?

Are you able to contribute to the unfolding of the Danish Naval History,
please e-mail me, enclosures are welcome.
Please remember to list your sources.

You can also use the Naval Web Forum on this web-site.

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This page was last updated: February 10, 2010

This page was first published: September 16, 2001

Copyright © 2013-2016 Johnny E. Balsved - All rights reserved - Privacy Policy