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Danish version:


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4Flag Flying Days

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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Flag Flying Days

Danish Flag Flying Days

The official flag flying days are announced every year by the Ministry of Justice and is publicized on their web site among other things.

The Danish flag flying days are additionally published in most calendars and almanacs etc.

Additional Flag Flying Days can be added during a calendar year.

Normally this will happen when the country has an official visit by a Head of State; events in the Royal Family etc.

These additional flag flying days are normally published through the daily newspapers.


 National Flag Flying Days



January 1

- New Year's Day

February 5

- HRH Crown Princess Mary (Born 1972)

February 6

- HRH Princess Marie (Born 1976)

April 9

- Occupation of Denmark 1940 (half mast until noon)

April 16

- HM Queen Margrethe II (born 1940)

April 29

- HRH Princess Benedicte (Born 1944)

May 5

- The Liberation of Denmark 1945

May 26

- HRH Crown Prince Frederik (Born 1968)

June 5

- Constitution Day (and the battle of Dybboel 1848)

June 7

- HRH Prince Joachim (Born 1969)

June 11

- HRH Prince Consort Henrik (Born 1934)

June 15

- Valdemars's Day (DANNEBROG's birthday) and the
  reunion with North Schleswig 1920

September 5

- Commemoration Day for Danish Soldiers abroad

December 25

- Christmas Day

 Flag Flying Days following the year of the church


- Good Friday (The flag at half mast the whole day)


- Easter Days


- Ascension Day


- Whit Sunday

 Additional Military Flag Flying Days

January 29

- The Institution of Holmen's Medal 1801

February 2

- The Battle of Mysunde 1864

February 11

- The Attack on Copenhagen 1659

April 2

- The Battle of Copenhagen 1801

April 18

- The Battle at Dybboel 1864

May 9

- The Battle of Heligoland 1864

June 5

- The Battle at Dybboel 1848 (and Constitution Day)

July 1

- The Battle in Bay of Koege 1677

July 6

- The Battle at Fredericia 1849

July 25

- The Battle at Isted 1850

October 4

- The Attack on Frederiksstad 1850

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Justice Department, Copenhagen


Søværnets Mærkedage, by Hans Chr. Bjerg, Søværnets Operative Kommando, Århus 2005 (SOKPUB 051-501)


Søværnets operative Kommando, (Admiral Danish Fleet) Århus

44You are also referred to the Naval Bibliography

- Do you miss a major event on this Site,
or do you hold a great story?

Are you able to contribute to the unfolding of the Danish Naval History,
please e-mail me, enclosures are welcome.
Please remember to list your sources.

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This page was last updated: June 13, 2009

This page was first published: September 16, 2001

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