Fleet Listings
- by time period

The Off Shore Patrol Frigate
in "fair weather" in the Northern Atlantic
(Photo: Gert Andersen)
Here you will find a complete listing in alphabetical order of all the ships that has served the
Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy from 1801 to 1814 and the Royal Danish Navy
since 1814.
You may also find listing of ships for a
specific historical time period.

By time period:
Ships Data Sheets
You will find detailed ships data sheets for most of the ships involved
in the stories published on this web site.
The dat sheets giving details and history of the ship.
here to see the
Index of Ships Data Sheets
In the fleet listings you might find a number of abbreviations etc.
To ease the reading, I have tried to construct a definition table,
explaining most of this.
Should you have any difficulties, please feel free to contact me.
her to find the

All the Fleet listings are based
on the below listed sources
Sources: |
& |
Danmarks Flaade blev sænket, by F. H. Kjølsen, Commander s.g.,
H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1945 |
& |
Danmarks Flaade, by Lieutenant Commander K. Dahl
and H.
Hjorth-Nielsen, published by
Selskabet til udgivelse af Kulturskrifter,
Copenhagen, 1934 |
& |
De Danske Kongers Skibe,
af R. Steen Steensen, Strubes Forlag,
Copenhagen 1972 |
& |
Efterretning om det bekendte af den danske
Flaades Tjeneste, efter Alphabetisk Orden, med adskillige Bilage, fra Aar
1752 og til den Dag, da Engelland voldsom bortførte samme i
1807, by Rear Admiral P. Ramshart,
Published by Hof- og Universitetsbogtrykker E. U. H. Møller,
Copenhagen, 1808. |
& |
Flådens skibe 1950, af R. Steen Steensen,
Det Schønbergske Forlag,
Copenhagen, 1950 |
& |
Flådens skibe og fartøjer 1945-1995, by Gunnar Olsen
and Svenn Storgaard, Marinehistoriske skrifter,
Copenhagen 1998. (ISBN 87-87720-13-2) |
& |
Fælles kræfter - Danske dampskibe indtil 1870 III, by
Holger Munchaus Petersen,
Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets maritime skrifter nr. 12, Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, Esbjerg, 1986. (ISBN 87-87453-25-8) |
& |
Oplysninger vedrørende den danske flaades
skibe i sidste aarhundrede,
by etatsråd H. Degenkolv,
Copenhagen, 1906. |
& |
Slaget på Reden, by Ole Feldbæk, Politikens Forlag A/S, 1985/2001 (ISBN
87-567-4001-8) |
& |
Torpedobåde gennem 100 år - Det danske
torpedobåds-våben 1879-1979, by Hans Garde & Hans
Chr. Bjerg, Marinehistorisk Selskab,
Copenhagen, 1979 (ISBN87-87720-02-7) |
& |
U-både gennem 75 år - Det danske
ubådsvåben 1909-84, by Hans Chr. Bjerg, Hans Chr. Dahlerup Koch and P. B. Nielsen, Forlaget Forum, 1984 |
& |
Vore krydsere, by R. Steen Steensen, Commander s.g., Marinehistorisk Selskab, Strubes forlag, 1971. |
& |
Vore orlogsskibe fra halvfemserne til nu, by Kay Larsen, Nyt Nordisk Forlag/Arnold Busck, 1932. |
& |
Vore Torpedobaade gennem 75 Aar, by R. Steen Steensen,
Marinehistorisk Selskab, Copenhagen, 1953. |
44You are also referred to the
Naval Bibliography |

- Do you miss a major event on this Site,
or do you hold a great story?
Are you able to contribute to the unfolding of
the Danish Naval History,
me, enclosures are welcome.
Please remember to list your sources.
can also use the
Web Forum on this web-site.

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(alphabetical): |