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Edited and
Designed by:

Johnny E. Balsved


Hansen, Godfred

Personal Information

Full Name:

Godfred Hansen

Date of Birth:

February 23, 1876

Rear Admiral Godfred Hansen

Place of Birth:



Son of Hans Nicolai Hansen and wife Ovidia Hansen, born Rode


Married to Johanne Anne Sophie, born Plum






Naval Cadet

August 26, 1897

Sub Lieutenant

April 7, 1902


March 9, 1914


January 1, 1923


February 7, 1927

Commander s.g.

April 6, 1931


February 1, 1937

Rear Admiral


Orders, Decorations & Distinctions


Orders, Decorations & Distinction:

December 1, 1906

Medal of Merit, 1st Class

January 29, 1919

Officer of the Order of the Dannebroge

January 29, 1933

Commander of the Order of the Dannebroge


Military Service


Military Service:


Second in charge on the Roald Amundsens Gjøa Expedition through the North West Passage


1st officer on the schooner INGOLF to the Danish West Indies (Temporary CO December 25, 1911 - January 29, 1912)


Commanding a mail steamer at Iceland


CO of the torpedo boat TUMLEREN


1st officer on the coast defense ship PEDER SKRAM

November 1, 1918
- June 1, 1919

Aide-de-camp at HM the King

June 1, 1919
- autumn 1920

On leave from the Navy

October 18, 1920
-November 15, 1929

Aide-de-camp at HM the King

January 1, 1923
- May 25, 1923

CO of the cruiser GEJSER on artillery training and i the Training Flotilla

1924 and 1925

CO of the cruiser HEJMDAL, training ship for naval cadets


CO of the light cruiser NIELS IUEL on a Royal tour to the Faeroe Islands and Iceland

1928 and 1929

Chief of staff for the Squadron

October 1, 1930

CO for the Naval Academy


CO for the light cruiser NIELS IUEL, training ship for naval cadets, on tour to the Mediterranean, Constantinople and Odessa


CO for the Naval Cadet Flotilla and the Training Flotilla

February 1, 1937

Available for the Naval Command


Other Achievements



June 1919
- autumn 1920

In charge of the expedition equipped by the Norwegian Government and assigned to place depots for the Amundsen North Pole Expedition

May 25, 1923

Was released as CO of the cruiser GEJSER, as he was severely wounded as a smoke screen generator exploded on board.

44You can read the complete story here

May 19, 1924

Member of the board for the Mariners Foundation "Bombebøssen"

May 26, 1934

Chairman of the board for "Det danske Luftfarts-selskab" (The Danish Airline Company)


Chairman of the "Søofficersforeningen" - (Danish Naval Officers Association)


Additional Comments

& Author of Gjøa-Ekspeditionen 1903-06 (Copenhagen 1912) and the
    chapter "Den tredie Thuleekspedtion" in Nordostpassaten (Christiania,
    Norway 1921)





May 27, 1937

Buried at Vestre kirkegaard, Copenhagen

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Danske Søofficerer 1933-1982, edited by S. E. Pontoppidan and J. Teisen, published by Søe-Lieutenant-Selskabet, Copenhagen, 1984


Det Danske Søofficerskorps 1801-1919, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen, Gyldendals Boghandel and Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1919


Kundgørelse for Søværnet A-14/1915, by December 4, 1915


Officerer i den Dansk-Norske Søetat 1660-1814 og den Danske Søetat 1814-1932, Bind I og II, by Th. A. Topsøe-Jensen og Emil Marquard, H. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen, 1935

44You are also referred to the Naval Bibliography

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