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Danish version:



The 2nd World War 1939-1945:

The Danish Navy on April 9th, 1940

2 coast defense ships
6 torpedo boats
5 guard ships (old torpedo boats)
10 submarines
1 mine ship
3 mine vessels
4 mine boats
1 floating mine depot
9 minesweepers
5 patrol vessels
2 survey ships
1 submarine tender

3 naval airbases
sea planes


Before April 9th, the navy had laid the following minefields:

Store Bælt (The Great Belt):

180 mines

Lille Bælt (The Little Belt):

264 mines


(smaller minefield)

The positions of the naval units on the 9th of April 1940:


Patrol vessel INGOLF, torpedo boats GLENTEN, HØGEN, minesweepers SØLØVEN, SØRIDDEREN, STØREN, minelayer LOSSEN and 4 patrol cutters.


Torpedo boat ØRNEN.

Lille Bælt:

Patrol vessel HVIDBJØRNEN and the guard ship NORDKAPEREN.


Coast defense ship PEDER SKRAM and the torpedo boats DRAGEN, HVALEN and LAXEN.


The submarines HAVFRUEN, HAVMANDEN and HAVKALEN and submarine tender Henrik Gerner.


Patrol vessel HEIMDAL.


Patrol vessel BESKYTTEREN.


Guard ship SÆLEN.


Minelayer SIXTUS (undergoing repairs).

Søby, Ærø:

Minelayer Kvintus.


Survey ship FREJA.

 - Holmen:

Coast defense ship NIELS IUEL, minesweeper HAVØRNEN, SØHUNDEN, guard ships MAKRELEN and HAVKATTEN plus the submarines DAPHNE, DRYADEN, ROTA and FLORA.

 - Nordre Toldbod:

Patrol vessel ISLANDS FALK.

Grønsund (at the minefields):

2 patrol cutters.


2 patrol cutters.


The patrol cutters TERNEN and MAAGEN.

Ships decommissioned, laid up in reserve:
 - Holmen:

The floating workshop GRØNSUND, guard ship HVALROSSEN, mine sweepers SØBJØRNEN, SØULVEN, SPRINGEREN and NARHVALEN, plus submarines BELLONA, RAN, TRITON and GALATHEA.

The minelayers LAALAND and LINDORMEN was under construction, and had not yet been commissioned.

Source: Baseret på det uddrag af Generalrapport for Søværnet som er trykt i den parlamentariske kommissions vol. 1, s. 141 ff.

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